Spring Arrives In Marbella

Spring Arrives In Marbella

Marbella may be known throughout the world the for its year round temperate climate, but residents and visitors alike are still glad to wave goodbye to winter and welcome the legendary warmth of the Spanish summer.

Underappreciated, though, is the Spanish Springtime when Marbella still offers up everything that is good about it; from pleasant sunny days, balmy evenings and the seasonal hotspots reopening their doors, but without the crowds, sweltering midday heat and added expense that comes as standard with the Summer months.

There are few periods in the Marbella calendar more uplifting than when winter finally melts away into spring. And after the unusually wet winter the Costa del Sol has just experienced, it’s time to celebrate that the signs are everywhere that winter is finally over:

The scent of Spring is in the air

The Costa del Sol is well known for featuring an array of exotic foliage that looks stunning and smells even better. Warm Marbella evenings are perfumed by Dama de Noche – a flower so woven into the fabric of Marbella that it has had gold clubs, urbanisations and restaurants named after it. The smell of the flower in the air is a sure sign that summer is on the way.

The beach is back

Or at least, visitors and residents start visiting the beach again! Temperatures can range between 16 – 24ºC this time of year, making it very tempting to spend the day on the sand. Though southwest winds can still be pretty chilly, a sheltered spot in the sunshine will feel wonderfully warm and allow those brave enough to hit the beach to get started on their base tans!

However, if you do hit the beach, it’s probably best to avoid a dip in the Mediterranean for now. Night time temperatures can still dip to below 10ºC, and the water is likely to be even colder.

Smiles are out in force

The arrival of spring never fails to put smiles on the faces of the people of Marbella. Though winter in southern Spain is brief and mild, the past few months do tend to make the town a much quieter place to be. Mid-February, however, means that winter is over, giving everyone cause to celebrate and enjoy the many months of excellent weather to come. The town is noticeably buzzing, and the holiday atmosphere signals that everyone is ready to welcome the arrival of warmer weather.

If you’re currently searching for the perfect Marbella property, Marbella living would be happy to assist you in your search. Marbella Living has a substantial portfolio of property around Marbella, Nueva Andalucía and the Golden Mile for sale. Please call us on 952 765 328 to discuss your property needs and to arrange a viewing.


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